Monday, April 23, 2012

Another draft, thinking in public, "no offence"!

April 23, 2012


Perhaps it is good to show how my advocacy for the reduction or eradication of H.A.I. (Hospital Associated Infections) unfolds on paper. The communications always start out with an idea, in my case, are our veterans getting taken care of and how to help them out. Modern communications only allow less than one page, preferably one half page, to get your point across and not lose your audience over the years.

 The kicker is that I do not have a personal “H.A.I. horror story” although there seems to be no shortage of those on the web, just trying to help out a few old "jarheads"! There just might be an easier way, fixing the entire medical industry, compared to ten years of continus warfare, just a token of my appreciation!

 Last but not least, how do you advocate in a positive manner with the goal of supporting those who help others?

 Perhaps the only connection with the medical industry is that we do manufacture components for ventilators in our humble machine shop and the stunning revelation via the L.A. Times of the of the opportunities to improve patient safety with very basic procedures. The attitude express by Ms. Pam Kehaly, President, Anthem Blue Cross, of the relationship of quality of patient care and costs was instrumental in inspiring my advocacy as practical and necessary as a business owner, a taxpayer and a veteran.

 The new national health care law does address some of the issues, that I believe is where the "Patient Safety" part comes from but when you look into H.A.I., there is not a real good reason why it even exists in my opinion, the science has proven the point beyond question, the economic view, Ms. Kehaley pretty much put the exclaimation point on that one.

 Ok, this time I am going to challenge myself, I think in the past I made a commitment to stay as positive as possible so I will try my best to find a way to present some of the facts to a highly educated audience and no, just like the last letter, I will not know who to address the letter to until it is done, “how odd is that”?


April 23, 2012

 Please allow me humbly thank the Honorable “someone” for your interest and efforts to reduce and hopefully eradicate Hospital Associated Infections (H.A.I.) from our nations Veteran’s and public hospitals.

 As my advocacy for H.A.I. develops some very disturbing facts are coming to the forefront on the current efforts, least of which is the comments coming from the U.N. virtually declaring that modern medicine will no longer have the capacity to combat infections, we are feeding antibiotics by the ton to our livestock allowing for all kinds of complications and perhaps the most frightening is the recent discovery of antibiotic resistant organisms thriving in caves!

 The challenge is great, our hospitals, in my opinion and from what I have read, could actually be a “safe zone”, the cures are not drugs or multimillion dollar machines, it seems that following written instructions, washing of the hands and copper are most of the “cure”.

 At this time my advocacy is soliciting The Joint Commission (T.J.C.)

We now have “V.A.P. free” medical facilities in the U.S.A. and now we have “central line-associated bloodstream infection free” medical facilities as well, “WAY COOL”

So much for the “doom and gloom”!

 All right, dinner time, I will continue latter, still have some work to do on this puzzle!!

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