This note to the Honorable Senator, my advocacy, well, the task is to move the argument to the other side of the room to allow those who help others to do just that.
Honorable United States Senator Dianne Feinstein, Date 8/6/15
Dear Honorable Senator Feinstein,
Thank you very much
for everything you and you staff do for the great country we live in, I really
appreciate it!
Thank you very much
for supporting our Veteran's in the Los Angeles area via restricting leases
that would not benefit our Veteran's at the Greater Los Angeles Healthcare
Over the years as an
advocate for the prevention of healthcare associated infections at our Veteran’s
hospitals I have been appalled by the
conduct of the staff at the facility.
The only U.S.
employee to criticize my advocacy over the years was GLAS Director Donna Beiter,
she had a subordinate call me and told me to stop writing to her and if I did
not she would throw all of my communications in the trash, I reminded the
subordinate that it was not a problem, the Honorable Senator Feinstein's office
has a complete set. Understandably, at
the time, Director Beiter had a very busy schedule, for some reason she seemed
to spend a great amount of time in court and I do not believe for recognition
of outstanding delivery of service by her unit. To here
lately about the G.A.O.'s findings concerning her living conditions on the
facility was of no surprise.
It is time, in my
humble opinion, to investigate the privatization of the VA system, I am quite
sure it would benefit our Vets and benefit development of more efficient
healthcare for us all. Perhaps there was a good reason to let the regional VA
systems run as secretive kingdoms(silos) but everything I have read about the budgetary
issues system wide and mismanagement of virtually every aspect of the delivery
of service to our Veteran’s.
A critic I am not but
the current tune-up underway at the VA can only be described as a total failure,
one man has had little impact on a very challenging situation, the latest, “meetings
with union VA staff members in a basement somewhere in the Washington DC area”
helped me come to my conclusion.
Once again, thank you
for helping our Veteran's.
February 13, 2012
Donna M. Beiter, R.N., M.S.N.
Department Of Veterans Affairs
Greater Los Angeles Healthcare
System (GLAHS)
11301 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90073
Dear Ms. Beiter,
Please allow me to offer you a very warm
“thank you” for your letter in response to my advocacy for patient safety
(691/90), your efforts are very much appreciated. Although there are certainly
no shortage of vendors in the field of HAI, my advocacy is “pro-bono” with the
inspiration deeply rooted in the article in the L.A. Times and the profound
statements from Ms. Pam Kehaly, President, Anthem Blue Cross, contained within.
My advocacy has led me to the top to see where
I could help to assure our veterans are receiving the benefits of the efforts
underway in the private healthcare system only to find out that the “top” is
watching for “best practices” being employed by the 50 states.
The unlikeliest of advocates I am but as a
veteran, ratepayer, business owner and taxpayer, HAI seems to be a small part
of healthcare, for me, my top priority!
My advocacy will depend on input and support
from professionals like yourself, Ms. Kehaly and her staff set our efforts
ahead a few months in a short meeting, five professionals with 116 years in the
healthcare field, “HAI-Five”!
Other than manufacturing components for
ventilators for the past decade in our humble machine shop I have no financial
relationships with any entity that would benefit from my advocacy, just trying
to give a little back and help out a few vets.
One thing I have learned is that a V.A.P. free
facility should now be the “norm” not the exception, I have recently solicited
both the California Senate and Assembly Healthcare subcommittees and T.J.C. of
my intentions, Kimberly-Clark has provided a web-based site where I have posted
my interests.
President Barack Obama, Senator Dianne
Feinstein, Senator Barbara Boxer, all of my state representatives, GLAHS, Anthem Blue Cross, Kimberly Clark, in my
opinion, we are all looking for the same thing, safer, more efficient
Once again, thank you so much for all that you
and your organization do for the people who gave the most for the great country
we live in! If you do not mind I will send you updates from time to time as my
advocacy begins to find more focus.
Michael H. Slavinski
Continued on page 2
page 2
President of the United States Barack Obama
United Stated Senator Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator Barbara Boxer
Governor Edmond G. Brown Jr.
The Great
State of California
California Senator Ed Hernandez
Senate Health Committee
California Senator Sam Blakeslee
California Assemblymember William W. Monning
Committee on Health Care
California Assemblymember Katcho Achadjian
Supervisor Frank Mecham
San Luis
Obispo County Board of Supervisors
Ms. Pam
Anthem Blue Cross
Mr. Eddy
W. Hartenstrin
and Chief Executive Officer, Los Angeles Times
and Chief Executive Officer, Tribune Company
Service Officer Dana Cummings,
San Luis
Obispo County
Anthem Blue Cross
"If we can improve the quality of care, that will
translate into lower cost," Anthem President Pam Kehaly said. "These
are real dollars."