Sunday, November 30, 2014

CNA, success, congratulations and the will to succeed

California Nurses Association                                                                             November 30, 2014

National Nurses Organizing Committee (HQ)

2000 Franklin Street

Oakland, CA 94612

T. 510-273-2200

F. 510-433-2790


Re: Success, congratulations, and the will to succeed

To whom it may concern,

 As an advocate for the Prevention of Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI) in our Veteran’s Hospitals I would like to thank the California Nurses Association(CNA) for the key role your staff and membership played in the successful organization of labor at the Veterans San Diego Healthcare System, our Veteran’s here in San Diego will certainly benefit from a unified voice in my humble opinion.

Thank you  CNA for taking a leadership role in the increased readiness and interest  concerning potential Ebola outbreaks here in the USA and the response from the Great State of California  

 As a non-medical advocate, the powerful commitment to workplace and patient safety demonstrated by the CNA gives me confidence of a bright future in healthcare in the USA. As an advocate for the prevention of Healthcare Associated in our Veteran’s Hospitals, the only option as an advocate for the prevention of a preventable set of diseases is to support those who help others and the CNA being the logical choice.

 As demonstrated in the Ebola outbreak, leadership in USA healthcare is not what it could be, the Affordable Care Act is a good start concerning healthcare quality but at some point healthcare quality has to become a priority, the cure will not be eradicated by money, technology or legislation, HAI is not a “potential” threat, it kills and maims tens of thousands here in California annually let alone the unnecessary waste of tens of millions of tax dollars, concerning workplace safety, those catastrophic numbers are well known to your membership as well as the US Department of Labor.

 The technology(best practices) are already available, HAI is not an unknown threat and is preventable “today” should CNA commit itself and its membership, something I leaned in the US Marines, “a unit is only as strong as its weakest link”, the CNA is obviously not a “weak link”, the educational level of the average RN would place them as “officers”, “leaders”, and nothing I have observed lately both nationally or at our community hospital would challenge the leadership abilities of your membership.

 How does this help our Veteran’s, it already has, thank you CNA, I really appreciate it!        


Michael H. Slavinski


Cc: The Honorable United stated Senator Dianne Feinstein   


"If we can improve the quality of care, that will translate into lower cost," Anthem President Pam Kehaly said. "These are real dollars”