Friday, March 11, 2016

Good news for our Veteran's?

Deborah Burger, R.N.                                           March 11, 2016


California Nurses Association

2000 Franklin Street

Oakland, CA 94612


Re: Veterans Health, Healthcare Associated Infections  


Dear Ms. Burger,


 Once again thank you for all that you and the entire membership of the California Nurses Association (CNA) do to help others, as well as our Veterans.

 Due to the fact that the California Nurses Association’s members are in every Veteran’s hospital in California I just wanted to direct your and your members attention to the following article and statistics concerning the wonderful job being done in our Veteran’s hospitals concerning the prevention of Healthcare Associated Infections(HAI).  



The headlines coming from the VA these days concerning management issues is disturbing but the caliber of professional s helping our Veterans can easily be missed, in my humble opinion, HAI can only be prevented by every professionals working in a healthcare facility assumes a leadership role in the delivery of safe and efficient healthcare.

 Most articles concerning success  in preventing HAI stories quickly trail off to so implementation of technology or other investments due to the information usually coming out of the “C” suite but the following link can help direct the CAN to continue to the support  the fundamentals:

Once again, thank you and your membership for all that you do to support our Veterans, I really appreciate it!


Michael Slavinski