Wednesday, January 2, 2013

UC medical + Anthem Blue Cross + CDPH + SHEA = Sustainable Progress

January 2.2013

Jan Patterson, MD, MS, FSHEA

President of the Board of Trustees

Society of Healthcare Epidemiology of America


Re: Prevention of Healthcare Associated Infections in our Veteran’s Hospitals


Dear Dr. Patterson,

 Once again, please allow me to thank you and the entire staff at the Society of Healthcare Epidemiology of America(SHEA) for all that you do for patient safety. Your recent support as a resource for the Hospital Associated Infections(HAI) program at the California Department of Public Health(CDPH) marks a much needed first step in the creation of some form of “Database of Best Practices for the Prevention of HAI” to be accessible to all healthcare professionals not only in the state of California but worldwide in my opinion.

Your body of knowledge contained at SHEA is now available for the recent agreement between University of California and Anthem Blue Cross to develop improvements in healthcare efficiencies and patient safety. Added to the great efforts by the staff at the CDPH the program should move the entire healthcare community just that much closer to preventing HAI and preventing needless loss of life and suffering to our mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers and Veteran’s.

 With any luck and advocacy these gains will be posted at the CDPH and made available to all healthcare professionals to not only implement but to challenge and improve in my opinion. The development of a “Database of Best Practices for the Prevention of HAI” should yield a standardized process which will require a significant investment but could be the basis for training all healthcare professionals in the future, the return on investment would be exponential in most aspects, including my advocacy, preventing HAI in our Veteran’s Hospitals.

 Little do I know about the healthcare industry but over the past year I have learned a lot about the character of the professionals within allowing me the opportunity to offer my support to those who help others, much like you and the entire staff and membership at SHEA.


Michael H. Slavinski                                                         
The picture, our kid came home for the holidays after one and a half years in the bush in the U,S. Peace corps, mom is pretty happy and I got some pretty cool handmade swag for presents, even a "Bolga Basket", I guess I am pretty happy as well, we got some kayaking done at Morro Bay over the weekend, not much of a shopper myself, the picture is actually at the mall on State Street in Santa Barbara.

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